Normal Debate Usage Policy

When using Normal Debate, you make several general commitments to the good of the platform as a whole and for the collective wellbeing of your community. The primary purpose of this agreement is to protect the safety and rights of all the users on our platform, including you. Your voice matters within your community, and one of the most important functions of our platform is your use of this voice for good. In order to protect this responsibility, we make several commitments to your safety and to the safety of others as outlined in our privacy policy.

Just as in the real world, there are specific actions that you are not permitted to take while using our platform. This includes threatening to harm, implying real-world violence, making knowingly false statements with the intent to mislead others, or intentionally harming another user.

By using our platform, you represent that you represent your name and age honestly if you decide to make this information public. We take abuse and misuse of our platform extremely seriously, and users found to be lying about their personal information are in violation of our terms of service. Community leaders are not exempt from this ban. Consequences for breaking our usage policy greatly depend on the severity of the breach and can range from a timed suspension to a permanent ban from the platform. Users who are permanently banned from our platform are not permitted to create duplicate accounts or otherwise attempt to subvert this ban, and all offending accounts will be swiftly deleted. We encourage users to be productive and kind members of their communities on Normal Debate, and we expect that users put forth the same effort. All users have the right to a safe and welcoming digital environment, and any action taken by a user that disturbs this environment or otherwise disrupts the wellbeing of their community as a whole is a punishable offense. Generally speaking, users who do their best to contribute to their communities in a positive manner can expect to retain full access to their accounts. Remember that actions taken in an online environment are not exempt from real-world consequences, and Normal Debate reserves the right to report users in violation of our terms of service to local law enforcement authorities. Normal Debate reserves the right to ban any user at any time, with or without explanation. If you believe your usage of our platform does not constitute a bannable offense, you may contact the Normal Debate team at [email protected].